
In general, the problems that arise in practice are sufficiently complex and require their decomposition into sub-problems that are easier to solve separately. From there comes the idea of ​​decomposing a complex program into (functions and procedures) that are easier to write under programs and to control. These functions and procedures, once gathered, can communicate results between them and with the main program. Another reason for using functions and procedures is to avoid code redundancies in the program.


In terms of Knowledge:

Learn the concept of subprogram: Procedure & Function and formal parameters.

In terms of know-how:

Integrate new parts (Procedures and/or Functions) that allow to structure a main program

and reuse a subprogram in C.

Edit a call to a function or procedure in an algorithm or C program.

Write a structured program, compile, and understand how its execution takes place.

In terms of know-how:

Have a first notion of performance of the program used.

Decompose a problem into elementary subproblems.