Technical English is designed to help students of Institute for Aeronautics and Aerospace Studies to improve their skills in this special field of Aeronautical Engineering. This lecture deals with different subjects related to the Aeronautics and Aviation areas. The main objectives for this is to develop their intellectual, personal and professional abilities to understand the original textbooks in aeronautics. The course is running in the first and second semester of every year beginning in September provided for underground level students (L2). Overall, Technical English gives students the language, information, and skills needed for their university program of study. It presents them with English from a variety of technological fields and situations, and develops their communication skills. The main objectives of this course are:

  1.  To Provide Technical English instruction to enhance students’ reading and writing in order to provide practice & interest in the language of Aeronautics and Aerospace Fields.
  2. To prepare students to sit for assessments and evaluations such as tests and quizzes in order to test and revise proper acquisition of the English language.
  3. To allow students to gain key strategies and expressions for communicating with professionals and non-specialists.