I am going to buy some colthes.

We are having dinner at his place tomorrow.

We will go to the market on Wednesday

I shall ask my brother for help tomorrow

I will have finished my homework by tomorrow evening

She will have worked as a teacher for 2 years by the end of this year

They will have arrived to India by now.

I will be going home tomorrow at 7 PM

he will be traveling to Japan next weekend

I will have been playing games for the hours when you will arrive

·         By 10 AM he will have been studying for 2 hours.

Time markers: By, When…

Mrs.cherifi/ M.Yahiaoui

Present simple :

 Describes an action habit or a fact that are generally true in the present

Structure : Subject+ verb in present form

Example :

·         I walk to work every morning

·         Jerry visits the town centre every day

·         She works as a waitress in a restaurant.

Time markers : Look for adverbs of frequency (usually,sometimes never…etc)

Students usually submit their assignements online.

(Special rule : the present simple can also talk about fututre planing if it is a fixed timing).

·          The train leaves at 7.00 AM tomorrow.

·         The plane takes off today at 9.45.

·         The work starts at 8.00 AM on Sundays.

Present perfect :

Describes an action that started in the past until present

Structure : Subject+ have/has+ verb past participle

·         I have walked to school everyday.

·         They Have travelled to France twice.

·         He has worked there for three years now.

Time markers : already, yet since, ever, never for , so far, by now, recently, lately, just, before, after

Students are haven’t submitted their assignements yet.


Present continuous

Describes an action ongoing now.

Structure : Subject + TO be in present+ verb (Ing)

·         It is raining outside.

·         I’am revizing for exams

·         The boy is eating his lunch

Time markers : Now this week, month, planning.

Students are submitting their assignements this Friday.

(can talk about future plans CHEck the future simple section to learn more)


Present perfect continuous 

Describes an action that started in the pas and is still continuing

Structure : Subject + have/ has been + verb Ing

·         I have been studying for 3 hours Now

·         They have been living in the same house since 2002

·         It has been snowing all morning

Time markers : (ask for how long)

Students have been submitting their assignements online for more than a year.

 Mrs.Cherifi /Ms.Yahiaoui