Course info

"Matter structure" course is very important. The study of matter and its composition, structure, properties, transformations from one form to another, and the energy that accompanies its transformation is called chemistry.
This course is intented for first year students of Science and technology department (ST).
This Course consists of 6 Chapters:Chapter I deals with the structure of the atom (the atom, isotopes, etc.).
Chapter II deals with radioactivity (nuclear reactions, the law of radioactive decay, etc.). The electronic structure of an atom is presented in Chapter III.
Chapter IV studies the quantization of energy in the semi-atomic model (wave-corpuscle duality of light, optical spectrum of hydrogen, classical models of the atom, spectrum of hydrogen ions, etc.).
Chapter (V) is devoted to the periodic classification of elements, covering several points (principle of periodic classification, laws and properties, physical and chemical properties of families of elements, chemical families).
Chapter (VII) deals with chemical bonding (ionic bonding, covalent bonding, Lewis structure, dative bonding.........
- Teacher: Aggoun amele