Rural economics is a branch of economics which covers a range of topics related to economic activities, development, and challenges in rural areas. The study of rural economics embraces all methods, rules and principles of economics and sociology, applied to the work and lives of farmers, their relationships with other professions, their place in society, both nationally and internationally.
Rural economics is closely related to agricultural economics. Actually, agricultural economics is a branch of rural economics, which focuses on agricultural enterprises, the relationship between various players within the agricultural sector, and the conditions of production and exchange of agricultural output.
The proposed topics is intended to provide students with a good understanding of the economic dynamics, challenges, and opportunities in rural areas. By the end of the syllabus, students should acquire the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to the sustainable development of rural economies.
Provisional contents (subject to change):
- Introduction to Rural Economics:
- Definition of rural economics.
- Difference between rural and urban economies.
- Agricultural Economics:
- Production economics.
- Agricultural policy and subsidies.
- Agricultural productivity.
- Rural Development:
- Models of rural development.
- Role of government organizations.
- Rural Poverty and Inequality:
- Measurement and causes of rural poverty.
- Income distribution and inequality.
- Poverty alleviation strategies.
- Rural Finance:
- Access to credit and financial services in rural areas.
- Microfinance and rural banking.
- Rural Entrepreneurship:
- Promotion of rural enterprises.
- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in rural areas.
- Entrepreneurial skills and development.
- Case Studies:
- Analysing specific rural development projects.
- Examining success stories and challenges in different regions.
- Research Methods in Rural Economics:
- Data collection and analysis in a rural context.
Top of Form
- Teacher: bouchakour radhia
- Teacher: SNV S2 Découverte
- Teacher: Takarli Souad
La génétique moléculaire des plantes est un vaste domaine de recherche fondamentale et appliquée lié au végétal . Ce domaine présente des similitudes avec l'amélioration des plantes ,mais en plus nous permet d’acquérir des informations sur les aspects et fonctionnement moléculaire au sein du végétal. A titre d'exemple: les génomes végétaux , leur structure, fonctionnement et organisation ; les plantes de références en GMP, la cartographie , le génie génétique et beaucoup d'autres informations utiles .
La génétique moléculaire des plantes ouvre des voies et des perspectives d'applications aux chercheurs et aux améliorateurs , en vue de création variétale, protection et amélioration du végétal .
- Teacher: boussena zahida