2ème Année L2
- project workshop focused on individual, intermediate, and collective habitats, the objective might be :
- exploring new models for different types of housing ( individual, collective housing...etc)
- understanding housing concepts, and various housing typologies, including individual homes, collective housing, promotional housing..etc
- help students to design or create individual housing integrated into a natural site in the first semester and intermediate or collective habitat in an urban site (Second semester).
- explore design principles: students will discover architectural and urban project principles specific to residential environments. this includes analyzing spatial layouts, circulation patterns, and functional requirements.
- Promoting Sustainable Solutions: The workshop aims to foster awareness of sustainable practices in housing design. students will explore energy-efficient materials, green spaces, and community-oriented solutions.
- Balancing Quality and Quantity: Students will learn how to balance between creating aesthetically pleasing living spaces while meeting practical needs. This involves considering both the quality and quantity of housing units.
- Integrating Social and Cultural Aspects: The objective is to encourage thoughtful design that reflects cultural diversity and social inclusivity. Participants will explore how housing can enhance community well-being.
The Anthropology of space : course is designed for 2nd year LMD students.
- معلم: EAD decouverte Archi
- معلم: houglaouène dalila

Ce cours de construction est destiné aux étudiants de la deuxième année architecture (LMD). L’objectif de ce module est de comprendre l’évolution d’un projet de construction depuis l’implantation jusqu’à la dernière phase du gros œuvre, en analysant toutes les étapes de la réalisation avec le plus de détails possibles. Ainsi, ce cours présente les concepts fondamentaux pour le dimensionnement des différents éléments structuraux en vue de leur intégration dans le projet architectural.
construction course is intended for second-year architecture students (LMD). The objective of this module is to understand the
evolution of a construction project from the implementation to the last phase
of the structural work, by analyzing all the stages of the construction work
with as much detail as possible. Thus, this course presents the fundamental concepts
for the dimensioning of the various structural elements with a view to their
integration into the architectural project.
- معلم: Djeziri Kheireddine
L'objectif du cours sur l'appropriation de l'espace de vie par l'homme primitif est d'amener les étudiants de deuxième année LMD à réfléchir à des éléments essentiels tels que:
- Qu'est-ce que l'appropriation de l'espace de vie?
- Comment l'homme primitif a-t-il pu comprendre et se familiariser avec cet espace?
- Quelle est la nature de la relation entre l'homme et son environnement?
- معلم: houglaouène dalila
La complexité des ces sites et dans quels conditions ont été créés.
- معلم: houglaouène dalila