Développer compétences suivantes :

Compréhension  orale et/ou écrite, Expression orale et/ou écrite, à travers  l’étude de textes.

This cours covers all the fundamental aspects of newtonian mechanics taught during the first semester of the university curriculum (MCIL- PV program).

cours chimie 1

The kinematics course is divided into several parts. First, the student learns to define and measure the fundamental quantities of motion, such as position, velocity and acceleration. Then they study the different types of motion, such as uniform rectilinear motion, uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, circular motion and so on. They learn to represent motion graphically using position, velocity and acceleration curves.The kinematics course also involves the application of mathematical concepts to model motion. Students use equations of motion to calculate kinematic quantities, solve practical problems and predict the future behaviour of a moving object.

This course addresses basic notions of classical Newtonian physics through the mechanics of the material point.


Le polycopie de TP chimie 1 contient un ensemble d'expériences à réaliser au laboratoire de chimie. Il est destiné aux étudiants de 1ere année des énergies renouvelables. Les expériences réalisées permettront aux étudiants de mieux assimiler les cours théoriques.

This “Computer Science 1” course is intended for first-year Renewable Energies students in (Thermal & Photovoltaic).

The objective of this course is to introduce students to computer science (hardware and operation) and to programming (algorithmic and with the C language).

The Computer Science 1 program is covered in semester S1.