- Teacher: Nasri Amel

The aim of chemistry is to increase our understanding of the composition,
properties and change of matter. Claims and explanations in chemistry should be supported
by observational data.
The objectives of chemistry practical is :
(1) Enhancing students' understanding of scientific methodology. '
(2) A chance for students to learn science in a more tactile, engaging way.
(3) Complementing underlying scientific theory.
(4) Developing technical skills.
(5) Imparting scientific methodology.
(6) Enhancing transferable/soft skills (communication, time management, etc.).
- Teacher: Aggoun amele

- - Help students to move from a computer user position to a designer position by acquiring the first basic concepts.
- - Situate the word algorithm/ program in the different stages of implementing an application, then give some definitions before stating the main properties that an algorithm must satisfy
- Teacher: Bouras Dalila
science is the study of computers, including hardware and software design,
algorithms and programs as well as their theoritical and practical applications. The aim of this cours is to initiate students to basic concept in the computer science specially programming in a developped programming language like C.- Teacher: Loucif Meryem
- Teacher: ACHOUR Sara Amel
- Teacher: Ft S1 transversale

MATLAB est un logiciel de calcul numérique produit par Math Works . Est un système interactif de programmation scientifique, pour le calcul numérique et la visualisation graphique, basé sur la représentation matricielle des données. Le nom dérive de cette représentation : MATLAB = MATrix LABoratory. Ce langage contient un minimum de structures de programmation (structure itérative, structure conditionnelle, sous-routine). L‟avantage est qu‟il est très simple et très rapide à programmer, offrant une grande tolérance (syntaxe simple, pas de définition de types, etc.), ce qui permet un gain appréciable en temps de mise au point. L'ingénieur peut par ce moyen être plus efficace dans l‟analyse d‟un problème. MATLAB peut donc être utilisé pour la résolution approchée d'équations différentielles, d'équations aux dérivées partielles ou de systèmes linéaires, etc...
- Teacher: cherouana abdelbaki

This course is aimed at Science and Technology (ST) students. Students learnt how to write by practising in the field during their training, where they encountered enormous difficulties in writing their final dissertation, an internship report, or even sending a letter or writing a Curriculum Vitae of acceptable quality.
- Teacher: Ft découverte
- Teacher: Mrs Bouchenafa